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We'd love to connect with you and have you connect with us!

Below are some key places for you and your family to plug in:

Worship... Children... Youth... Adult... Global Mission...

Check it out!  


Bethany Church is a wonderful place to discover new meaning and significance, to realize the richness of God's mercy, love, and grace, to realize how much He cares for you, and to discover the purpose for which you were made! 

Connecting In Worship

Our weekly worship begins at 9 AM. If you are able, we'd love to have you join us in person. You'll discover that the Lord is truly with us!

If you're not able to join us in person, click the Facebook link at the bottom of any page of our web-site. Through Facebook you can join us live on Sundays or at any time through the week! 

Connecting Kids… Children's Ministries…

"Let the little children come to me and don't hinder them." - Matthew 19:14


Don't let your kids miss out on KID'S KORNER. Danna VanArsdale, our Children's Director goes live on FaceBook at 10:15 each Sunday morning. These 3-5 minute messages are aimed at kids, but beneficial to the whole family! Tune in weekly, gather the kids and join us!  


Nursery care is provided Sunday mornings for the convenience of parents of small children. 


Each Sunday at 10:15, we offer age appropriate classes and groups for learning for children of all ages. 


We love kids! We follow "Safe Sanctuary" guidelines and it matters to us that children gather in a safe environment. 


Class and lesson times are designed to teach Biblical principles and reinforce the early spiritual growth of each child. 


Like many churches, we share in a weeklong Vacation Bible School each summer (again, all the details are on our events page... scroll to the bottom of the page), but Bethany's Children's Ministry includes many other programs designed to bless kids: a month-long coin drive in October to benefit children in need, an October Trunk or Treat event to share God's love with others, a Christmas Angel Tree ministry providing Christmas gifts to community children in need, an Easter Egg Hunt focusing on a Biblical understanding of Easter, among others.

Bring your kids (or even grandkids) to Bethany and let's grow them together! 


Children's Director - Danna Van Arsdale 

Connect with Danna: 

Connecting Teens… Youth Ministries…

"Let no one look down on you for your youth, but set an example…" - 1 Timothy 4:12

Bethany's Youth Ministries are designed to provide genuine engagement in spiritual growth and development for those going through, what many consider, the most challenging time of life. 


Regular youth activities include weekly Discipleship Classes at 10:15 AM and twice a month Youth Fellowship gatherings on Sunday evenings. These include a meal, fellowship, games, and spiritual lessons with application.   


Youth at Bethany have the opportunity for full participation in the church's programs from serving with the Praise Team to participating in Mission's Trips, helping with Vacation Bible School, etc. 


Confirmation Classes are offered as needed to ensure that those youth interested in becoming members of Bethany Church have the essential foundation of faith in Jesus Christ and an understanding of His Church. 


Youth Director: Casey Van Arsdale

Connect with Casey: 717-887-2146


Connecting Adults…

"Beloved, let us love one another for love is of God…" - 1 John 4:7

"Don't neglect meeting together as is the habit of some…" -Hebrews 10:25

Bethany offers several options for adult Sunday Classes. In addition there are small groups and prayer groups through the week all designed to enable us to connect, grow faith, share in prayer, and experience the life-giving (and life-changing) power of Jesus Christ.


Our normal schedule includes a host of relationship-building events From Men's Fellowship Breakfasts, Bethany's Women of Faith and other special events designed to enable each person to grow in our walk in faith and be used by the Lord in life-giving ministry. 

Connecting with the World…

"Go make Disciples of all nations…"  Matthew 28:19

While Bethany Church offers a wide variety of ministries to our local community, we are partnered on a global level with IMO (International Mission Opportunities). IMO provides medical services (surgeries, dentistry, optometry, medication) to underserved and underprivileged people in Nigeria. 


No medical experience is needed to be part of one of a short term Medical team... so why not prayerfully consider if the Lord is tugging at your heart to become a part of an IMO team. More than half the team members provide non-medical services. 


The compelling motivation for all we do is to make more disciples for Jesus Christ.



1401 Mount Rose Avenue
York, PA 17403


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